Mapping Nepal

Navigate through gallis of Kathmandu Valley Locate houses with house numbers Search nearby locations and amenities

Our Solutions

Few solutions that we offer are



Diverse map styles of Nepal that can be personalized to suit your needs.



Search places, autocomplete search terms, convert coordinates into addresses with ease.



Easy-to-use tools for distance calculations, route generation, multi-stop optimization, and navigation.


360 images

View 360-degree street images, pin houses within images, easily share them with friends and family.


House Numbers

Easily locate houses by thier house numbers on maps with our efficient mapping feature.

Build with Galli Maps

Navigate your way to customer satisfaction with GalliMaps: our powerful map services integrate effortlessly into your products, unlocking a world of seamless navigation for your customers.

Sign up today to start using our services !

The Value We Add To
Your Business

Simplify logistics and transportation

Simplify logistics and transportation

We streamline logistics and transportation to save you time and money.

Improve customer satisfaction

Improve customer satisfaction

Our customer-centric approach ensures happy customers and repeat business.

Enhance business operations

Enhance business operations

We provide tailored solutions to optimize your business processes and improve your bottom line.

Affordable map services

Affordable map services

Our accurate and customizable map services are budget-friendly.